Saturday, November 27, 2010

History: 1900-1910

In the first decade of the twentieth century are developed the beginnings of football and its clubs in Spain. In Madrid, Julián Palacios founded in 1900, the beginning of what would be the future Real Madrid. In 1902, a group of fans established formally the Madrid Foot Ball Club, and created its first Board of Directors, chaired by Juan Padrós.

On March 6, 1902, a group of football fans found, with official nature, Madrid Foot Ball Club and created its first Board of Directors, composed by Juan Padrós Rubio, president, Enrique Varela, vice president, Manuel Mendía, secretary, José de Gorostizaga, treasurer, Antonio S. Neyra, Mario Giraldo, Carlos Mertens, Álvaro Spottorno and Arturo Melendez, voice. Juan Padrós "legalized" a team that two years before, had presided Julián Palacios. The Board also agreed the team uniform and, in imitation of the famous London Corinthians; Shirt and pants are white, socks and hat are blue and a purple band embroidered in color on the shield of Madrid.

Three days later, the Madrid played their first "match" between two teams from the club, which will test the first team to shape and stimulate the curiosity of early admissions in the “ Plaza de Toros” avenue, where was played the game. By the blue team played Meléndez, J. Padrós, Spottorno, Gorostizaga, Mendía, Paramo, Neyra, A. Giralt, F. Palacios, Martens and Rodero. Red team; J. Giralt, Melendez, Molera, Salvador, Valcárcel, Spottorno, Stampher, J. Palacios, Varela, Celada, and Good. The blue team won by one goal to nil.

Real Madrid 1902

The The club headquarterswas the back room of  “Al Capricho” shop, owned by Padrós brothers, and the tavern “La Taurina”, from where they went to the field. On 22 March, the “Heraldo del Sport” publishes the instructions for the good development of football, by Mr. Arthur Johnson, who will become the first team coach.

King Alfonso XIII Cup

On May 13, 1902 competition begins with the first major national derby between Barcelona and Madrid. The Catalans, full of foreigners, win 3-1. In consolation Madrid beats Español 3-2, clinching the “Gran Peña” Cup, the first trophy in the showcase of the club.


On April 15, 1902 Madrid presents to the civil governor the new club regulations. Days before, the directorate had visited the mayor of city to hold a contest in honor of the coronation of King Alfonso XIII, a competition that ended up being the first “Copa del Rey”. A year later, on April 8, 1903, Madrid lost the final of the Second Cup Championship against Athletic Bilbao 3-2. At the end of the match, the captain of Madrid, J. Giralt, called for revenge to Athletic captain, Mr. Astorquiza, to play another game the next day.

Takeover in the chairmanship

Madrid blends with “Moderno”, “Amicale” (in which French nationals played) and “Moncloa”. Carlos Padrós left the presidency of the Federation of Clubs of Madrid Foot-Ball and takes charge of Madrid, replacing his brother Juan.

Championship of Spain

Madrid took two years to win the trophy. Thus, the April 18, 1905 the team won its first championship in Spain after beating Athletic 1-0. (Prats’ goal, pass from Pedro Parages)

On 23 October, that year, Carlos Padrós organizes the first international match on the occasion of the visit to Spain by French President M. Loubet. The “Gallia Sport” (Paris) and Madrid tied to one at the “Hipódromo” Field.

On April 10, 1906 Real Madrid beats Athletic by four to one and won the second Cup Championship. The previous day had defeated in the semifinals to the dean of Spanish teams, Recreativo Huelva (made by British in Tharsis mines), 3-0.

On March 30, 1907, Madrid manages to win the Spanish Cup by beating “Vizcaya”, this time with a valuable Prats' goal. Cup will be the first trophy property due to have won three consecutive years.

The decade ended with the fourth consecutive championship, achieved after beating Sporting de Vigo 2-1, 13 April 1908. That same year Adolfo Melendez was appointed president of the new Board. Carlos Padrós is elected honorary president perpetually.